2007- 北京科技大学热能工程系,教授
2001-2007 北京科技大学热能工程系,副教授
1997-2001 北京科技大学热能工程系,讲师
1998-1999 韩国国家能源研究所能源环境部,博士后
1994-1997 清华大学热能工程系热能工程专业,获博士学位
1991-1994 北京科技大学热能工程系工程热物理专业,获硕士学位
1987-1991 重庆大学冶金及材料工程系热工专业,获学士学位
1. 多相流动与反应过程的机理、模型与模拟研究
2. 工业流动传热过程仿真与优化
3. 工业节能装备与工艺开发
1. 工程流体力学
1. 高等流体力学
工程流体力学(第二版). 中国电力出版社. 2013. (主编)
1. Xiao Liang, Xiang Jun Liu, Dehong Xia,Lagrangian simulation and exergy analysis for waste heat recovery from high-temperature particles using countercurrent moving beds, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,160, 114115
2. Xiao Liang, Xiang Jun Liu, Dehong Xia, Numerical investigation of the gas–solid heat transfer characteristics of packed multi-size particles,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020,149, 119237
3. Yang Yang You, Xiang Jun Liu,Modeling of CO2 adsorption and recovery from wet flue gas by using activated carbon,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019,369, 672–685
4. Yang Yang You, Xiang Jun Liu, Tang Lin Liu,Numerical Investigations of CO2 Sorption and Recovery Process from Wet Flue Gas by Using K2CO3/Al2O3 in a Fixed Bed,Energy & Fuels,2018, 32(1),725-735
5. Yun Fei Shi, Xiang Jun Liu,Heat and Mass Transport Characteristics of Pressure Swing Adsorption for the Removal of High-Level Moisture along with CO2 from Air,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2018, 57(18), 6464-6476
6. Yun Fei Shi, Xiang Jun Liu, Yu Guo,Mohammad Ali Kalbassi,Ying Shu Liu, Desorption characteristics of H2O and CO2 from alumina F200 under different feed/purge pressure ratios and regeneration temperatures, Adsorption, 2017, 23,999–1011
7. Xiang Jun Liu,Yun Fei Shi,Mohammad Ali Kalbassi,Richard Underwood,Ying Shu Liu,A comprehensive description of water vapor equilibriums on alumina F-200: Adsorption, desorption, and H2O/CO2 binary adsorption,Separation and Purification Technology,2014,2014(133):276-281.
8. Xiang Jun Liu,Yun Fei Shi,Mohammad Ali Kalbassi,Richard Underwood,Ying Shu Liu,Water vapor adsorption isotherm expressions based on capillary Condensation,Separation and Purification Technology,2013,2013(116):95-100.
9. Xiangjun Liu, Xuchang Xu. Modelling of Dense Gas-particle Flow in a Circulating Fluidized Bed by Distinct Cluster Method, Powder Technology, 195,pp 235–244, 2009
10. Xiang Jun Liu, Li Li. Numerical studies on the combustion properties of char particle clusters,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,52, pp4785–4795, 2009
11. Xiangjun Liu ,Xu Xuchang Wurong Zhang,Numerical Simulation of Dense Particle-Gas Two-phase Flow Using Minimal Potential Energy Principle, Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing. 2006,13(3)pp301-307
12. Xiangjun Liu, W. R. Zhang, T. J. Park. Modelling coal gasification in an Entrained Flow Gasifier , Combust. Theory and Modelling Vol.5 No.4 Dec. 2001 pp.595-608
一种高温固体散料换热器内清除堆积、搭桥的方法积装置, ZL2018 1 0339430.4
一种针对高温宽筛分粒径散料有效余热回收的装置,ZL2018 1 0339430.4
1、 “十三五”重点研发计划项目“高温固体散料余热梯级利用及品位提升技术”课题:固体散料余热高效蓄存与分级提取工艺,2017/07-
2、 “十三五”重点研发计划项目“工业含尘废气余热回收技术”子课题:三维蜂巢蓄换热体烟气余热回收净化一体化技术,2016/07-2019/09
3、Air Products国际合作项目,含湿低浓度CO2脱除工艺研究, 2016/04-2017/09
4、Air Products国际合作项目,空气预纯化过程混合PSA/TSA 工艺研究及软件开发, 2011/09-2015/09