1. 相变现象机理及传热强化(结冰、结霜、冷凝、蒸发等)
2. 液滴与液膜操纵原理及技术(液滴撞击输运、液膜雕刻等)
3. 仿生功能表面及涂层技术(光热超疏水涂层、超滑表面等)
4. 太阳能、水界面能储存及利用(光热效应、辐射制冷等)
Guest Editor of Applied Physics Letters (应用物理领域知名SCI期刊);
Session Chair of 3rd International Symposium on Thermal-Fluid Dynamics, July 28-30, Xi’an, China, 2022;
Nano Energy、Chemical Engineering Journal、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer等三十余个SCI期刊审稿人。
近年来,在Nature Communications、Advanced Materials、Advanced Functional Materials、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Applied Physics Letters、Energy、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer等国际知名SCI期刊发表论文40余篇,总被引1700余次;出版英文学术著作一部;多次受邀在国际/国内学术会议进行Keynote/特邀/口头报告。
F. Chu, Condensed and Melting Droplet Behavior on Superhydrophobic Surfaces, Springer, 2020.11.
1. F. Chu, S. Li, C. Zhao, Y. Feng*, Y. Lin, X. Wu*, X. Yan*, N. Miljkovic*, Interfacial ice sprouting during salty water droplet freezing, Nature Communications, 15(1) (2024) 2249.
2. M. Hou, Z. Jiang, W. Sun, Z. Chen, F. Chu*, N.C. Lai*, Efficient Photothermal Anti-/Deicing Enabled by 3D Cu2-xS Encapsulated Phase Change Materials Mixed Superhydrophobic Coatings, Advanced Materials, 36(3) (2024) 2310312.
3. Z. Hu, F. Chu, H. He, X. Wu, Z. Dong, R. Wang*, Understanding and Utilizing Droplet Impact on Superhydrophobic Surfaces: Phenomena, Mechanisms, Regulations, Applications, and Beyond, Advanced Materials, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202310177.
4. W. Sun, Y. Wei, Y. Feng*, F. Chu*, Anti-icing and deicing characteristics of photothermal superhydrophobic surfaces based on metal nanoparticles and carbon nanotube materials, Energy, 286 (2024) 129656.
5. Y. Wei, S. Gao, W. Sun, X. Wu, Y. Feng*, F. Chu*, Anti-frosting and defrosting on photothermal superhydrophobic coatings based on silane hydrolysis and carbon nanotube doping, Applied Thermal Engineering, 236 (2024) 121876.
6. C. Zhao, Y. Lin, X. Wu*, X. Zhang, F. Chu*, Nanoscale insights on the freezing front propagation and ion behaviors during seawater freezing, Applied Surface Science, 641 (2023) 158499.
7. Y. Lin, X. Wu*, Z. Hu, F. Chu*, Leidenfrost droplet jet engine by bubble ejection, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 650 (2023) 112-120.
8. Y. Lin, F. Chu*, X. Wu*, Evaporation of heated droplets at different wetting modes: A decoupled study of diffusive and convective effects, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 207 (2023) 123993.
9. F. Chu*, S. Li, Z. Hu, X. Wu*, Regulation of droplet impacting on superhydrophobic surfaces: Coupled effects of macrostructures, wettability patterns, and surface motion, Applied Physics Letters, 122 (2023) 160503.
10. F. Chu, Z. Ni, D. Wen*, Y. Feng*, S. Li, L. Jiang, Z. Dong*, Liquid Film Sculpture via Droplet Impacting on Microstructured Heterowettable Surfaces, Advanced Functional Materials, 32 (2022) 2203222. (Selected as Journal Frontispiece)
11. Y. Shu, F. Chu*, Z. Hu, J. Gao, X. Wu, Z. Dong, Y. Feng*, Superhydrophobic Strategy for Nature-Inspired Rotating Microfliers: Enhancing Spreading, Reducing Contact Time, and Weakening Impact Force of Raindrops, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14 (2022) 57340−57349.
12. Y. Lin, F. Chu*, X. Wu*, Evaporation and boiling of water-alcohol droplets: Dynamic characteristics of wetting and heat transfer, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer, 134 (2022) 106045.
13. Z. Hu, F. Chu*, X. Wu*, S. Ding, Y. Lin, Bidirectional Transport of Split Droplets, Physical Review Applied, 18(4) (2022) 044057. (Selected for inclusion in the American Physical Society's outreach)
14. Z. Hu, F. Chu*, X. Wu*, Double-peak characteristic of droplet impact force on superhydrophobic surfaces, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 52 (2022) 101665.
15. Z. Hu, F. Chu*, X. Wu*, Splitting dynamics of droplet impact on ridged superhydrophobic surfaces, Physics of Fluids, 34(9) (2022) 092104. (Selected as Featured)
16. X. Fu, Q. Zhu, D. Liu, B. Liu, L. Kuang, Y. Feng, F. Chu*, Z. Huang*, Enhanced Moisture Condensation on Hierarchical Structured Superhydrophobic-Hydrophilic Patterned Surfaces, Langmuir, 38 (2022) 863-869.
17. F. Chu, X. Yan*, N. Miljkovic*, How Superhydrophobic Grooves Drive Single-Droplet Jumping, Langmuir, 38 (2022) 4452-4460.
18. J. Luo, F. Chu*, Z. Ni, J. Zhang, D. Wen*, Dynamics of droplet impacting on a cone, Physics of Fluids, 33(11) (2021) 112116. (Selected as an Editor’s Pick)
19. Y. Lin, F. Chu*, Q. Ma, X. Wu*, Gyroscopic rotation of boiling droplets, Applied Physics Letters, 118(22) (2021) 221601.
20. Z. Hu, Z. Yuan, H. Hou, F. Chu*, X. Wu*, Event-driven Simulation of Multi-scale Dropwise Condensation, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 167 (2021) 120819.
21. F. Chu*, J. Luo, C. Hao, J. Zhang, X. Wu, D. Wen*, Directional Transportation of Impacting Droplets on Wettability-Controlled Surfaces, Langmuir, 36(21) (2020) 5855-5862. (Selected in a Virtual Issue)
22. F. Chu*, Y. Lin, X. Yan, X. Wu*, Quantitative relations between droplet jumping and anti-frosting effect on superhydrophobic surfaces, Energy and Buildings, 225 (2020) 110315.
23. F. Chu, X. Zhang, S. Li, H. Jin, J. Zhang, X. Wu, D. Wen*, Bubble formation in freezing droplets, Physical Review Fluids, 4(7) (2019) 071601(R).
24. F. Chu, S. Gao, X. Zhang, X. Wu, D. Wen*, Droplet re-icing characteristics on a superhydrophobic surface, Applied Physics Letters, 115(7) (2019) 073703.
25. F. Chu, X. Wu*, L. Wang, Meltwater Evolution during Defrosting on Superhydrophobic Surfaces, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10(1) (2018) 1415-1421.
26. F. Chu, D. Wen, X. Wu*, Frost Self-Removal Mechanism during Defrosting on Vertical Superhydrophobic Surfaces: Peeling Off or Jumping Off, Langmuir, 34(48) (2018) 14562-14569.
27. F. Chu, X. Wu*, Y. Zhu, Z. Yuan, Relationship between condensed droplet coalescence and surface wettability, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 111 (2017) 836-841.
28. F. Chu, X. Wu*, L. Wang, Dynamic melting of freezing droplets on ultraslippery superhydrophobic surfaces, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9 (2017) 8420-8425.
29. F. Chu, X. Wu*, B. Zhu, X. Zhang, Self-propelled droplet behavior during condensation on superhydrophobic surfaces, Applied Physics Letters, 108(19) (2016) 194103.
30. F. Chu, X. Wu*, Fabrication and condensation characteristics of metallic superhydrophobic surface with hierarchical micro-nano structures, Applied Surface Science, 371 (2016) 322-328.
1. 北京市青年托举人才工程,北京市科协,2021
2. 国家博士后创新人才支持计划,人社部,2018
3. 北京航空航天大学优秀博士后,北京航空航天大学,2019
4. 清华大学优秀博士学位论文,清华大学,2018
1. 指导研究生获中国工程热物理学会传热传质分会“王补宣-过增元青年优秀论文二等奖(口头报告)”(魏宇彤);
2. 指导本科生获教育部高等学校能源动力类专业教学指导委员会百篇优秀毕业论文(陈力君);
3. 指导本科生以第一作者身份在国际期刊发表SCI论文(宋嘉兴等);
4. 指导本科生获“挑战杯”首都大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛创新赋能专项赛特等奖(宋嘉兴等);
1. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目“面向无人机防雨的液滴撞击运动超疏水表面动力学行为及其调控”,2024.01-2026.12,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金“光热-超疏水-控温超表面防除冰全周期传热机理及极端条件应用”,2023.01-2025.12,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金重点基金“面向空间环境的防隔热功能相变材料及其热特性”,2023.01-2027.12,参研
4. 国家重点研发计划课题“高端装备用金属层状复合材料多场景应用关键技术”,子课题,2021.12-2025.11,主持
5. 北京市自然科学基金青年项目“微纳结构表面过冷液滴撞击结冰及防除冰机理研究”,2020.01-2021.06,主持
6. 第65批中国博士后科学基金面上资助“超疏水表面液滴结冰现象及防结冰特性研究”,2019.05-2020.04,主持
7. 2018年度博士后创新人才支持计划“微结构与润湿性协同表面上冻结液滴融化及自清除机理研究”,2018.07-2020.04,主持